Title:The Effectiveness of the “Panjang” Poffertjes Consumption on Blood Glucose Level
Volume: 17
Issue: 7
Author(s): Sofyawati D. Talibo*, Imran Tumenggung , Fatmayanti Nawai and Rahma Labatjo
- Department of Nutrition, Health Polytechnic of Gorontalo, Gorontalo,Indonesia
Poffertjes, glycemic index, blood glucose level, diabetes mellitus, pandan leaves, sweet corn.
Background: Fragrant pandan leaf extract (Pandanus amayllifolius Roxb.) has pharmacological
activity as an anti-diabetes, while sweet corn is believed to be a staple food or snack for
people with diabetes mellitus. Thus, the foods could be used as an alternative to anti-diabetic functional
Objective: This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of “Panjang” poffertjes consumption
with the addition of pandan leaves extract and sweet corn on the blood glucose level.
Methods: This study employs a randomized controlled trial approach with the pre-and post-test
design. The data collected on the value of the glycemic index, glycemic load, and the results of 2
hours postprandial (pp) blood sugar level examination after consuming two Poffertjes formulas.
The glycemic index (GI) was calculated by employing incremental area under the blood glucose
response curve method for ten subjects and a 2-hour postprandial (pp) blood sugar level examination
in 25 subjects with the range age between 18-24 years, with normal nutritional status (BMI =
18.58-23.88), 100% had no history of diabetes, did not smoke or alcohol and were not allergic to
the tested food ingredients.
Results: the results show that the glycemic index of control Poffertjes obtained a value of 71.88
(high category), and “Panjang” Poffertjes got 52.82 (low category). The glycemic load of control
Poffertjes obtained a value of 12.78 (medium category), while “Panjang” Poffertjes attained a value
of 6.37 (low category). The difference in the average reduction in blood glucose with the intervention
poffertjes was 11.08 mg/dl.
Conclusion: the provision of “Panjang” poffertjes has a significant effect on the decrease in twohour
postprandial blood glucose level.