Title: Progress in the Research on Naturally Occurring Flavones and Flavonols: An Overview
Volume: 10
Issue: 8
Author(s): Goutam Brahmachari and Dilip Gorai
Antioxidant, vasorelaxant effect, cytotoxic, Monoamine Oxidase (MAO), antiulcerogenic, antiinflammatory, Flavonol-3-O-galloylglycosides
Abstract: The present review deals with recently reported novel natural flavones and flavonols (mid-1999 to early 2004), along with various biological and pharmacological activities as exhibited by these important groups of flavonoids. The present resumé lists 252 new naturally occurring flavones and flavonols reported during the period. Natural distribution by plant family of the flavonoids is considered; a variety of plant species belonging to fifty-two different plant families is mentioned as their natural sources. Therapeutic efficacies of these constituents are also cited. The review covers 231 references.