Title:Davanloo’s Techniques in the Case of a 17-Year- Old with Anorexia Nervosa and a Complex Unconscious: Part II
Volume: 14
Issue: 3
Author(s): Catherine Hickey*, Angela Schmitt and Jody Clarke
- Discipline of Psychiatry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, NL A1C 5S7,Canada
Unconscious, anorexia nervosa, transference neurosis, intergenerational, ISTDP, Davanloo.
Abstract: Background: Davanloo’s ISTDP has been the subject of much focus and attention. He
has published extensively on his earlier work. But many of his newer theories and techniques, developed
during the last decade in the Montreal Closed Circuit Training Program, have not been
disseminated as widely as his original publications. These include his opinions and theories on
transference neurosis (and its various presentations), intergenerational transference neurosis, and
impairment in the unconscious defensive organization.
Objective: This paper is the second of a two-article series on these newer concepts. The first paper
focused on definitions and discussions of these concepts. This second paper will now focus on the
application of these principles in a case seen in the private practice of one of the authors.
Method: The authors have translated (from German into English) several vignettes from a therapeutic
interview. The patient is a 17-year-old girl with anorexia nervosa and a complex unconscious.
The psychotherapeutic techniques used in each vignette will be underscored and explained in subsequent
Results: Davanloo’s newer principles and techniques will be illustrated and made easy to understand
in the case of an adolescent with a complex unconscious.
Conclusion: This case was reviewed at the 38th Annual Metapsychology Meeting in Montreal,
Canada in October, 2017 and highlights the new discoveries and techniques of this psychotherapeutic