Title:Modulation of Immuno-biome during Radio-sensitization of Tumors by Glycolytic Inhibitors
Volume: 27
Issue: 24
Author(s): Seema Gupta*Bilikere S. Dwarakanath*
- Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC 20007,United States
- Shanghai Proton and Heavy Ion Center, Shanghai 201321,China
Glycolysis, metabolic modifiers, 2-DG, immune modulation, radiosensitization, immunosuppression,
Abstract: The Tumor Microenvironment (TME) comprising stromal cells, fibroblasts and
various components of the immune system forms a pro-tumorigenic cocoon around the tumor
cells with the reprogramming of the metabolism in the form of Warburg phenotype (enhanced
aerobic glycolysis) in tumor as well as non-tumor cells. This reprogramming plays a significant
role in suppressing the immune response leading to the survival and proliferation of tumor
cells and resistance to therapies. Therefore, there is a considerable interest in developing
strategies involving metabolic modifiers to improve the therapeutic efficacy that restores immune
competence, besides enhancing the direct effects on tumor cells. Inhibitors of glycolysis
like 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG; a hexokinase inhibitor), dichloroacetate and small molecule
inhibitors of lactate transport (MCT-1) are some of the metabolic modifiers investigated for
their therapeutic as well as adjuvant potential. Among these, 2-DG has been widely investigated
and established as an ideal adjuvant in the radio- and chemotherapy of tumors. Modulation
of the immuno-biome in the form of cytokine shifts, differential transcriptional regulation,
abrogation of immunosuppressive network and reduced accumulation of lactate are some
of the contributing factors for immune stimulation linked to the radio- and chemosensitization
by glycolytic inhibitors.