Title:Recent Advances in Development of Polyphenols as Anticancer Agents
Volume: 18
Issue: 15
Author(s): Sreekanth Thota*, Daniel Alencar Rodrigues and Eliezer J. Barreiro
- Laboratorio de Avaliacao e Sintese de Substancias Bioativas (LASSBio), Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), PO Box 68023, 21941-902, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,Brazil
Anticancer agent, cancer, chemotherapeutic agents, dietary components, polyphenols, significance.
Abstract: Still now, for many forms of the disseminated cancers there is no curative therapy available.
The discovery of novel active chemotherapeutic agents is largely essential to overcome this problem.
Natural compounds polyphenols are mainly characterized by a huge structural variance; they can render
them intrinsic dietary components due to their common occurrence in plants. Now-a-days, polyphenols
(secondary metabolites) are characterized by a vast spectrum of physiological significance.
From the past twenty years in the world of scientific research, polyphenols play an important role in a
wide range of physiological processess. This review focuses on the development of polyphenols as antitumor
agent in recent research studies.