Title: Microbial / Enzymatic Synthesis of Chiral Intermediates for Pharmaceuticals: Case Studies from BMS
Volume: 7
Issue: 13
Author(s): Ramesh N. Patel
melatonin, Alzheimer, enatioselective manner
Abstract: There has been an increasing awareness of the enormous potential of microorganisms and enzymes for the transformation of synthetic chemicals with high chemo-, regio- and enatioselective manner. Chiral intermediates are in high demand from pharmaceutical industries for the preparation bulk drug substances. In this review article, microbial / enzymatic processes mainly taken from the research carried out at BMS have been described for the synthesis of chiral intermediates for antihypertensive drugs, anticholesterol drugs, anticancer agents, antiviral agents, β3-receptor receptor agonists, melatonin receptor agonists, and anti-Alzheimers drugs.