Title:Role of Isoprenoid Compounds on Angiogenic Regulation: Opportunities and Challenges
Volume: 23
Issue: 9
Author(s): Angela R. Guerra, Iola F. Duarte and Maria F. Duarte
Angiogenesis, Natural products, Monoterpenoids, Sesquiterpenoids, Diterpenoids, Triterpenoids, Tetraterpenoids.
Abstract: Isoprenoids represent one of the largest classes of phytochemicals. The structural
diversity of these compounds, as well as their remarkable biological activities, makes them
suitable candidates for the development of novel therapeutic agents. Several isoprenoids
have demonstrated promising potential in the modulation of angiogenesis processes, and
therefore provide an appealing alternative and/or addition to the available pharmacotherapies. These compounds
could be used per se or combined with standard therapies, which can potentially reduce the undesired
secondary effects. Compounds like the sesquiterpenoid artemisinin, and its derivatives, or the diterpenoid triptolide
have been successfully tested in a broad range of models (in vitro and in vivo). Moreover, sesquiterpenoids
seem to be a promising resource of natural angiogenic modulators, as it can be attested by the significant
number of recent publications in this subject. On the other hand, other isoprenoids, such as the triterpenoid
ursolic acid, are still under-explored and further studies are needed to understand their role within angiogenic
process. Further insights into isoprenoids mode of action in angiogenesis will hopefully pave the way
towards their successful clinical use.