Title:Bracing Scoliosis - State of the Art (Mini-Review)
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Author(s): Ng SY, Maksym Borysov, Marc Moramarco, Xiao F. Nan and Hans-Rudolf Weiss
Brace treatment, CAD / CAM, conservative treatment, scoliosis.
Abstract: Spinal bracing is indicated in moderate to severe curves during growth. Brace effectiveness
in halting progression of adolescent idiopathic scolisosis has been shown in a Cochrane review and in
a randomized controlled trial (RCT). The outcome of brace treatment is dependent on the extent of inbrace
correction and compliance. We have reviewed the literature on bracing to determine the types
of brace that offer the best in-brace correction.
Materials and Methods: The literature has been searched for papers on bracing with documented inbrace
corrections and long-term results.
Results: The in-brace percentage of correction of asymmetric braces is generally higher than that of the symmetric braces.
According to the literature found in our search, long-term corrections are possible when starting treatment early, at an
immature stage and with asymmetric braces of recent standards.
Conclusions: Bracing today is supported by high quality evidence (Level I). Asymmetric braces have led to better corrections
than that described for symmetric braces. An improvement of the average corrective effect has been described due to
the latest CAD / CAM development. Long-term corrections are possible when starting brace treatment early, at an immature
stage and with asymmetric braces of recent standards.