Title:Novel Synthetic Compounds as Potential Anticryptococcal Agents
Volume: 12
Issue: 6
Author(s): Soraya M. Z. M. D. Ferreira, Cleiton M. da Silva, Ângelo de Fátima and Rossimiriam P. Freitas
Antifungal, azole, cryptococcosis, Cryptococcus, heterocycles, natural product derivatives, peptide, phospholipidic compounds.
Abstract: Cryptococcosis, an invasive fungal infection that affects both immunocompromised and immunocompetent
individuals, has emerged as an important public health problem in Africa, Asia, and America. The limited
number of antimycotic drugs available to treat this disease, their side effects and toxicity, and the emergence of resistant
strains support the search for more effective and less toxic compounds. This review compiles examples of novel
synthetic compounds, which could be used as templates for developing novel drugs for the treatment of Cryptococcus