Title:Optimal antibiotic dosage for chronic kidney disease patient: a pharmacological manual for oral clinicians
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Author(s): Ramasamy Chidambaram
Antibiotics, chronic kidney disease, dentist, dosage adjustment, glomerular filtration rate,
Abstract: Chronic kidney disease, (CKD) a gradual and inevitable deterioration in renal
function, is the disease with the most associations in dentistry. Dosage adjustment is one
amongst the vital elements to be familiar with during their oral care. CKD patients take extended
duration to filter out medications, therefore dosage must always be tailored under the
supervision of nephrologist. The relished benefits from antibiotic could transform as anti-microbial resistance
on their abuse and nephrotoxic when contraindicated drugs are encouraged. New patented drug belonging to
oxazoliodine group has driven the researchers to handle the emerging AMR. The present communication discusses
the pharmacological factors influencing in prescribing the antibiotics for CKD patient from the dentist’s
point of view. The formulas destined for calculating the optimal dosage of antibiotics have been documented
to aid oral physicians.