Title:Cardioembolic Stroke Diagnosis Using Blood Biomarkers
Volume: 9
Issue: 4
Author(s): Victor Llombart, Teresa Garcia-Berrocoso, Alejandro Bustamante, Israel Fernandez-Cadenas and Joan Montaner
Atrial, biomarker, cardioembolic, classification, etiology, fibrillation, stroke, miRNA.
Abstract: Stroke is one of the main causes of death and disability in the world. Cardioembolic etiology accounts for approximately
one fifth of all ischemic strokes whereas 25-30% remains undetermined even after an advanced diagnostic
workup. Despite there is not any biomarker currently approved to distinguish cardioembolic stroke among other etiologies
in clinical practice the use of biomarkers represents a promising valuable complement to determine stroke etiology reducing
the number of cryptogenic strokes and aiding in the prescription of the most appropriated primary and secondary
treatments in order to minimize therapeutic risks and to avoid recurrences. In this review we present an update about specific
cardioembolic stroke-related biomarkers at a protein, transcriptomic and genetic level. Finally, we also focused on
reported biomarkers associated with atrial fibrillation (a cardiac illness strongly related with cardioembolic stroke subtype)
thus with a potential to become biomarkers to detect cardioembolic stroke in the future.