Title:Anti-Angiogenesis in Glioblastoma: The Clinical Consequences of Redundancy and Evasion?
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Author(s): Richard Mair and Colin Watts
Anti-angiogenesis, antibodies, clinical trials, glioblastoma, small molecule inhibitors, VEGF.
Abstract: Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is recognised as one of the most hypervascular human tumors. Various drugs
have been developed that target pro-angiogenic factors in an attempt to disrupt the blood supply and thus arrest tumor
growth. Clinical studies have largely been in groups of unselected patients and have encompassed both primary and recurrent
GBM. Despite initial promise, in both pre-clinical models and preliminary clinical trials, sustained therapeutic benefit
in the clinic has yet to be demonstrated. In this review article we present the most up to date clinical trials and aim to elucidate
the common mechanisms by which GBM may be escaping these therapies. We also discuss other potential mechanisms
of action and possible future indications for anti-angiogenic medication.