Title:Alpha-Emitters for Immuno-Therapy: A Review of Recent Developments from Chemistry to Clinics
Volume: 12
Issue: 23
Author(s): Sandrine Huclier-Markai, Cyrille Alliot, Nicolas Varmenot, Cathy S. Cutler and Jacques Barbet
212Pb, 212Bi, 213Bi, 211At, 223Ra, 225Ac
Abstract: Alpha-particles are of considerable growing interest for Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT). TAT gains more attention
as new targets, chemical labeling techniques and α-particle emitters are developed but translation of TAT into the
clinic has been slow, in part because of the limited availability and the short physical half-lives of some of the available α-
particle emitters. This article is an up-to-date overview of the literature concerning α-emitters used for TAT of cancer. It
briefly describes the nuclear characteristics, the production parameters (targets, extraction and purification), the complexation
properties of these radionuclides to chelates and biological vectors and finally draws-upon the preclinical and clinical
studies that have been performed over the past two decades. Radiobiology and dosimetry aspects are also presented in this