Title: Whole Organism Based Techniques and Approaches in Early Stage Oncology Drug Discovery-Patents and Trends
Volume: 5
Issue: 3
Author(s): Richard J. Hampson and Michael D. Wyatt
hit, lead, Cancer, Caenorhabditis elegans, early stage drug discovery, whole organism, Danio rerio, Dictyostelium discoideum, Drosophila melanogaster, Screenable models, human cancer gene homologue, cell proliferation
Abstract: Discovery of new cancer drugs is important for the improvement of disease treatment and management. In addition to the clear medical needs there are also economic considerations: Much drug discovery is performed in the private sector. The high cost of some drug treatments, which can run to tens of thousands of US$ per patient for single courses of therapy has led to the perception of high profitability in the industry. But drug discovery and development is a very expensive and lengthy process, with an ongoing trend of fewer drugs brought to market per dollar invested in RBiochemical-based in vitro screens for hosts of targets have produced early stage drug candidates and led to drugs reaching the market, but there remains a great need to evaluate in vivo efficacy, toxicity and potential off-target effects as early as possible in the discovery process. Using whole organisms much earlier in cancer (and other) drug discovery is a potential approach to improve R productivity. Here, we provide an overview of recent patenting activity and take a brief look at possible new developments in the field.