Title: Multitarget-Directed Ligands: Innovative Chemical Probes and Therapeutic Tools Against Alzheimer's Disease
Volume: 11
Issue: 22
Author(s): Maria Laura Bolognesi, Elena Simoni, Michela Rosini, Anna Minarini, Vincenzo Tumiatti and Carlo Melchiorre
Neurodegenerative diseases, multifactorial diseases, multitarget-directed ligands (MTDLs), multifunctional compounds, memoquin, lipocrine, carbacrine, Alzheimer's disease(AD), enhanced therapeutic, potential culprits, preclinical models, multiple molecular abnormalities, neurodegenerative cascade, peripheral anionic site (PAS), benzoquinonemoiety
Abstract: Multitarget agents directed at selected molecular targets involved in the pathogenic cascade of Alzheimers disease (AD) have been increasingly sought after in recent years, with the aim of achieving enhanced therapeutic efficiency with respect to single-target drugs and drug candidates. At the same time, much attention has been devoted to identifying high quality pharmacological tools to help explore the molecular mechanisms underlying AD without being exposed to physicochemical challenges. Herein, we discuss several examples of both types of compounds, taken from our own research and derived from the leads memoquin, lipocrine and bis(7)tacrine.