Title: Complex Network and Gene Ontology in Pharmacology Approaches:Mapping Natural Compounds on Potential Drug Target Colon Cancer Network
Volume: 6
Issue: 1
Author(s): Biplab Bhattacharjee, R. M. Jayadeepa, Usha Talambedu, Sanghita Banerjee, Jayadev Joshi, Jilu Princy Mole, Joshua Samuel and Sushil Kumar Middha
Chemo preventive drugs, systems biology, mapping, colon cancer, gene ontology, Open Biomedical Ontologies, Colorectal Cancer, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, Unified Medical Language System, National Center for Biomedical Ontology
Abstract: The specificity of drug targets is a great challenge in the pharma-proteomics field of cancer biology. In particular, bioinformatics methods based on complex networks and Gene Ontologies (GOs) are very useful in this area. This work reviews some bioinformatics concepts and previous studies related to Colorectal Cancer (CRC) research using GOs, complex networks, and related methods. Also, we report new results mapping natural compounds on potential drug target CRC network using GOs. The literature mining along with OMIM database gives the details of diseased genes which are further subjected to design a well connected gene regulatory network for cancer. The resultant network is then extrapolated to proteomics level to sort out the genes only expressed in the specific cancer types. The network is statistically analyzed and represented by the graphical interpretation to encounter the hub nodes and their locally parsed neighbors, ligands multi-receptor docking, and the propensity of drug targets in hub nodes and related sub-networks.