Title: Antioxidant Therapy in Alzheimers Disease: Theory and Practice
Volume: 8
Issue: 13
Author(s): Gjumrakch Aliev, Mark E. Obrenovich, V. Prakash Reddy, Justin C. Shenk, Paula I. Moreira, Akihiko Nunomura, Xiongwei Zhu, Mark A. Smith and George Perry
Antioxidant, calorie restriction, estrogen, free radical, glutathione, oxidation, oxidative stress, therapy
Abstract: Alzheimer disease treatment has yet to yield a successful therapy that addresses the source of the damage found in brains. Of the varied proposed theories of AD etiology, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation is cited as a common factor. Efforts to reduce the pathology associated with ROS via antioxidants therefore offer new hope to patients suffering from this devastative disease.