Title: Neprilysin 2: A Novel Messenger Peptide-Inactivating Metalloprotease
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Author(s): Tanja Ouimet
neprilysin, neprilysin 2, m13 family of metalloproteases, peptide inactivation, enkephalin, substance p, thiorphan, phosphoramidon
Abstract: Neprilysin 2 is a recently identified glycoprotein displaying the highest degree of sequence identity with neprilysin (EC, the prototypical member of the M13 family of zinc-dependent metalloproteases. Whereas neprilysin has been shown to be involved in the inactivation of endogenous messenger peptides, like enkephalins and tachykinins, the true physiological functions of neprilysin 2 remain unknown.