Title: ING Proteins in Cellular Senescence
Volume: 10
Issue: 5
Author(s): Camino Menendez, Maria Abad, Daniel Gomez-Cabello, Alberto Moreno and Ignacio Palmero
Abstract: Cellular senescence is an effective anti-tumor barrier that acts by restraining the uncontrolled proliferation of cells carrying potentially oncogenic alterations. ING proteins are putative tumor suppressor proteins functionally linked to the p53 pathway and to chromatin regulation. ING proteins exert their tumor-protective action through different types of responses. Here, we review the evidence on the participation of ING proteins, mainly ING1 and ING2, in the implementation of the senescent response. The currently available data support an important role of ING proteins as regulators of senescence, in connection with the p53 pathway and chromatin organization.