Title:Flavonoids as G Protein-coupled Receptors Ligands: New Potential
Therapeutic Natural Drugs
Volume: 24
Issue: 17
Author(s): Alae Chda and Rachid Bencheikh*
- Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology and Bioactive Molecules (LM2BM), Faculty of Science and Technology, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Road of Immouzer, PO Box 2202, Fez, Morocco
G protein-coupled receptors, flavonoids glycosides, flavonoids aglycones, cardiovascular disorders, breast cancer, neurodegenerative diseases.
Abstract: G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are among the largest family of cell surface receptors
found in the human genome. They govern a wide range of physiological responses in both
health and diseases, making them one of the potential targeted surface receptors for pharmaceuticals.
Flavonoids can modulate GPCRs activity by acting as allosteric ligands. They can either enhance
or reduce the GPCR's effect. Emerging research shows that individual flavonoids or mixtures
of flavonoids from plant extracts can have relevant pharmacological effects against a number
of diseases, particularly by influencing GPCRs. In the present review, we are considering to
give a comprehensive overview of flavonoids and related compounds that exhibit GPCRs activity
and to further explore which beneficial structural features. Molecular docking was used to
strengthen experimental evidence and describe flavonoid-GPCRs interactions at molecular level.