Title:Assembling High-quality Lymph Node Clinical Target Volumes for Cervical
Cancer Radiotherapy using a Deep Learning-based Approach
Volume: 20
Author(s): Xiaoxuan Jiang, Shengyuan Zhang, Yuchuan Fu*, Hang Yu, Huanan Tang and Xiangyang Wu
- Department of Radiotherapy Physics & Technology Center, Cancer Center, West China Hospital Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan
Province, PR. China
Auto-segmentation, Clinical target volume, Lymph nodes, Deep leaning, Cervical cancer, Radiotherapy.
The study aimed to explore an approach for accurately assembling high-quality lymph node clinical target volumes (CTV) on CT images in
cervical cancer radiotherapy with the encoder-decoder 3D network.
216 cases of CT images treated at our center between 2017 and 2020 were included as a sample, which were divided into two cohorts, including
152 cases and 64 cases, respectively. Para-aortic lymph node, common iliac, external iliac, internal iliac, obturator, presacral, and groin nodal
regions were delineated as sub-CTV manually in the cohort including 152 cases. Then, the 152 cases were randomly divided into training (96
cases), validation (36 cases), and test (20 cases) groups for the training process. Each structure was individually trained and optimized through a
deep learning model. An additional 64 cases with 6 different clinical conditions were taken as examples to verify the feasibility of CTV generation
based on our model. Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and Hausdorff distance (HD) metrics were both used for quantitative evaluation.
Comparing auto-segmentation results to ground truth, the mean DSC value/HD was 0.838/7.7mm, 0.853/4.7mm, 0.855/4.7mm, 0.844/4.7mm,
0.784/5.2mm, 0.826/4.8mm and 0.874/4.8mm for CTV_PAN, CTV_common iliac, CTV_internal iliac, CTV_external iliac, CTV_obturator,
CTV_presacral, and CTV_groin, respectively. The similarity comparison results of six different clinical situations were 0.877/4.4mm,
0.879/4.6mm, 0.881/4.2mm, 0.882/4.3mm, 0.872/6.0mm, and 0.875/4.9mm for DSC value/HD, respectively.
We have developed a deep learning-based approach to segmenting lymph node sub-regions automatically and assembling high-quality CTVs
according to clinical needs in cervical cancer radiotherapy. This work can increase the efficiency of the process of cervical cancer detection and