Title:Dysprosium-containing Cobalt Sulfide Nanoparticles as Anticancer Drug
Volume: 21
Issue: 8
Author(s): Govindaraj Sri Varalakshmi, Charan Singh Pawar, Varnitha Manikantan, Archana Sumohan Pillai, Aleyamma Alexander, Bose Allben Akash, N. Rajendra Prasad and Israel V. M. V. Enoch*
- Centre for Nanoscience and Genomics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
(Deemed University), Coimbatore 641114, Tamil Nadu, India
Cobalt sulfide, dysprosium, 5-fluorouracil, poly-cyclodextrin, magnetic nanoparticles, drug delivery, anticancer activity.
Background: Among various materials designed for anticancer drug transport, sulfide nanoparticles
are uniquely intriguing owing to their spectral characteristics. Exploration of newer nanoscale
copper sulfide particles with dysprosium doping is reported herein. It leads to a change in the physicochemical
properties of the sulfide nanoparticles and hence the difference in drug release and cytotoxicity.
Objective: We intend to purport the suitably engineered cobalt sulfide and dysprosium-doped cobalt
sulfide nanoparticles that are magnetic and NIR-absorbing, as drug delivery vehicles. The drug loading
and release are based on the supramolecular drug complex formation on the surface of the nanoparticles.
Method: The nanomaterials are synthesized employing hydrothermal procedures, coated with a biocompatible
poly-β-cyclodextrin, and characterized using the methods of diffractometry, microscopy,
spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and magnetometry. The sustained drug release is investigated in vitro.
5-Fluorouracil is loaded in the nanocarriers. The empty and 5-fluorouracil-loaded nanocarriers are
screened for their anti-breast cancer activity in vitro on MCF-7 cells.
Results: The size of the nanoparticles is below 10 nm. They show soft ferromagnetic characteristics.
Further, they show broad NIR absorption bands extending up to 1200 nm, with the dysprosium-doped
material displaying greater absorbance. The drug 5-fluorouracil is encapsulated in the nanocarriers and
released sustainably, with the expulsion duration extending over 10 days. The IC50 of the blank and the
drug-loaded cobalt sulfide are 16.24 ± 3.6 and 12.2 ± 2.6 μg mL-1, respectively. For the drug-loaded,
dysprosium-doped nanocarrier, the IC50 value is 9.7 ± 0.3 μg mL-1.
Conclusion: The ultrasmall nanoparticles possess a size suitable for drug delivery and are dispersed
well in the aqueous medium. The release of the loaded 5-fluorouracil is slow and sustained. The anticancer
activity of the drug-loaded nanocarrier shows an increase in efficacy, and the cytotoxicity is appreciable
due to the controlled release. The nanocarriers show multi-functional characteristics, i.e.,
magnetic and NIR-absorbing, and are promising drug delivery agents.