Title:A Perspective on EGFR and Proteasome-based Targeted Therapy for
Volume: 23
Issue: 15
Background: Cancer is known to be the most leading cause of death worldwide. It is understood
that the sources causing cancer mainly include the activity of endogenous oncogenes, nonviral
compounds and the fundamental portion of these oncogenes; the tyrosine kinase activity and
proteasome activity are the main biomarkers responsible for cell proliferation. These biomarkers
can be used as main targets and are believed to be the ‘prime switches’ for the signal communication
activity to regulate cell death and cell cycle. Thus, signal transduction inhibitors (ligandreceptor
tyrosine kinase inhibitors) and proteasome inhibitors can be used as a therapeutic modality
to block the action of signaling between the cells as well as protein breakdown in order to induce
cell apoptosis.
Aims: This article highlights the key points and provides an overview of the recent patents on
EGFR and proteosome-based inhibitors having therapeutic efficacy. This review focuses on the patents
related to therapeutic agents, their preparation process and the final outcome.
Objective: The main objective of this study is to facilitate the advancement and current perspectives
in the treatment of cancer.
Conclusion: There are numerous strategies discussed in these patents to improve the pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics of EGFR and proteasome inhibitors. Further, the resistance to targeted
therapy after long-term treatment can be overcome by using various excipients that can be used as a
strategy to carry the drug. However, there is a need and scope for improving targeted therapeutics
for cancer treatment with better fundamentals and characteristics. The widespread research on cancer
therapy can create the path for future advancements in therapy with more prominent outcomes.