Title:Sydnone: Synthesis, Reactivity and Biological Activities
Volume: 30
Issue: 10
摘要: Sydnones are among the most well-known mesoionic compounds. Since their
synthesis in 1935 by Earl and Mecknay, numerous researches have shown that the chemical
behavior, physical and biological properties of sydnones make them the most useful
compounds in organic chemistry. Sydnones undergo thermal 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction
with dipolarophiles (alkynes or alkenes) to give exclusively derivatives containing
a pyrazole moiety exhibiting numerous applications, such as pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.
However, the sydnone cycloaddition reaction with alkynes requires harsh conditions,
like high temperatures and long reaction times, giving poor regioselectivity to the
resulting products. To overcome these constraints, new reactions named CuSAC (Copper-
Catalyzed Sydnone-Alkyne Cycloaddition) and SPSAC (Strain-Promoted Sydnone-
Alkyne Cycloaddition) have been developed, leading to pyrazoles with interesting constant