Title:Electron Microscopic and Pathological Changes in Lung Cancer after
Intratumoral Injection of Sodium Bicarbonate
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Author(s): Manar A.A. Rahman*, Eman O. Arram, Tamer Elhadidy, Mahmoud A.E. Hassan, Hany O. Habashy and Mohammad K. El Badrawy
- Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
Lung cancer, sodium bicarbonate, bronchial biopsy, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, palliative therapy.
Background: Lung cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy,
targeted therapy, and palliative care. Palliative therapy is applied for inoperable lung cancer as it induces
tumour necrosis. PH of tumour tissue is acidic; application of sodium bicarbonate (SB) into
lung cancer locally via bronchoscopy can change its core pH, which may lead to tumour destruction.
We aimed to study the ultrastructural characteristics of lung cancer and assess the destructive
effects of sodium bicarbonate 8.4% local injection on tumour tissue integrity by light and electron
Methods: This study was conducted on 21 patients with central bronchial carcinoma diagnosed according
to WHO classification 2015. Three bronchoscopic biopsies were taken; two biopsies before
and one after injection of sodium bicarbonate 8.4% solution of 20 ml via transbronchial needle.
All biopsies were examined by both light and electron microscopes. The first biopsy was examined
to diagnose the tumour morphologically with and without immunostaining. Second and
third biopsies were taken before and after SB 8.4% injection to compare pathological changes in tumour
tissue integrity as well as cellular ultra-structures. Different lung cancer pathological types
were included in the study.
Results: Tumour tissue integrity and pathological changes were examined in biopsies before and after
injection of sodium bicarbonate 8.4%. Extensive necrosis in all cell types of lung cancer was
seen after injection of SB; this important finding was delineated by both light and electron microscopies.
Conclusion: Preliminary ultrastructural study of small biopsy of lung tumors has a complementary
role in both morphological and immunohistochemical studies. Local injection of sodium bicarbonate
into lung cancer induces extensive necrosis that may reflect its important therapeutic role in
lung cancer.