Title:Recent Insights into the Nutritional Antioxidant Therapy in Prevention
and Treatment of Diabetic Vascular Complications: A Comprehensive
Volume: 29
Issue: 11
摘要: Diabetes mellitus (DM) and DM-induced vascular complications are significant
global healthcare problems, causing a decrease in patient quality of life. The main
reason for the disability and mortality of patients is rapidly progressing micro-and macroangiopathies.
Currently, free radical oxidation is recognized as one of the main mechanisms
in the development of DM and associated complications. Under normal physiological
conditions, the level of free radicals and antioxidant defense capabilities is balanced.
However, imbalance occurs between the antioxidant defense system and pro-oxidants
during chronic hyperglycemia and may invoke the formation of excess free radicals, leading
to activation of lipid peroxidation and accumulation of highly toxic products of free
radical oxidation. This is accompanied by varying degrees of insulin deficiency and insulin
resistance in DM patients. Simultaneously with the activation of free radical generation,
a decrease in the activity of antioxidant defense factors (superoxide dismutase, catalase,
glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, vitamins C and E) and an acceleration
of diabetic complications are seen. Therefore, we hypothesize that antioxidants may play
a positive role in the treatment of DM patients to prevent DM-induced vascular complications.
However, this has not been sufficiently studied. In this review, we discuss recent insights
into the potential underlying mechanisms of oxidative stress-induced diabetic complications
and the implications of antioxidants in mitigation of DM-induced vascular