Title:Immune System and Methamphetamine: Molecular Basis of a Relationship
Volume: 19
Issue: 12
Author(s): Katarzyna Macur and Pawel Ciborowski*
- Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE,United States
Methamphetamine, immune system, experimental models, T-cells, macrophages, proteomics.
Abstract: The use of methamphetamine (Meth) as a drug of abuse is on the rise worldwide. Besides
its effect on the function of the brain, Meth has detrimental effects on how the immune system
functions. As documented in the literature, various experimental models (cellular, animal, mice, and
non-human primates) have been used that have contributed to the overall knowledge about immune
system impairments from Meth exposure. It has to be noted that while Meth is used in very few
treatments, it affects a broad range of biological mechanisms, not only immune regulation, in a
negative manner. Undoubtfully, the effect of Meth is highly complex; moreover, the initial molecular
triggers remain unknown. The analyses of available literature suggest that the effect of Meth is
not prompted by one underlying mechanism. Although the effect of Meth might be either acute or
long-lasting, the overall effect is negative. Further advancement of our knowledge on Meth’s specific
actions will require systematic experimental approaches using all available models. In addition,
bioinformatic analyses are necessary to build a comprehensive model as a needed tool to fill
the gap in knowledge.