The post-genomic sequencing stimulated all sorts of biological sequencing
strategies such as genomic DNA sequencing, mRNA-Seq, LC-MS/MS peptide counting
and metabolomics enabling the establishment of complex and interactive networks
made out of genes, proteins and metabolites. High-throughput methodologies analyze
multiple metabolic pathways simultaneously offering benefits in the exploitation of new
biorefining processes. However, it is evident that a single approach cannot unravel or
solve the complexities of fundamental microbial biology by just making the integration
of multiple information layers. Therefore, efforts have been made to systematically
analyze the correlation between transcriptomic and proteomic datasets, improving the
chances of capturing gene protein relationships as well as integration of novel biological
processes. Here, we describe high-throughput genomics and proteomics tools, discuss
the associated challenges and analyze fungal secretomes.
Keywords: Biofuels, biomass, enzymatic hydrolysis, filamentous fungi, genome,
next-generation sequence, transcriptome, RNA-Seq, proteome, secretome.