There is overwhelming evidence for both the individual and societal benefits
of a physically active lifestyle on maintaining high quality of life, decreasing the
economic burden of sickness care spending, and reducing risk factors associated with
non-communicable diseases. A 60 year historical review of the physical activity
movement in the United States reveals movement from a focus on physical fitness as a
means for readiness to serve in the military, to a dose/response prescription approach to
physical activity for all ages, to the current evolution of an active living approach at the
community level. There is evidence in many countries of the economic, human, social,
and environmental benefits of a physically active community at both the societal level
and all age levels: youth, adults, and older adults however a civic engagement process is
necessary to develop a more physically active community and thus obtain these
incredible benefits. There are ten key steps in the civic change process that any
community can utilize to engage its citizens in a more physically active and healthful
lifestyle. The steps rely on civic engagement, trust building, and sustaining community
support. There are a host of websites and further reading to supplement the reader’s
knowledge of current physical activity research, movements, and community
engagement efforts.
Keywords: Activeville, behavior, exercise, fitness, global health, health, life
expectancy, lifestyle choices, nutrition, obesity, overweight, physical activity,
physical inactivity, risk, wellness.