The strategies to be described in this Chapter emphasizes the importance of
partnerships to build Biotechnology in Brazil. Partnerships include bringing together
pharmaceutical companies funded with national capital with companies funded with
international capital. These partnerships are absolutely essential. Describes in addition
how networks can reduce the unbalance we exercise in Brazil, such that 85% of the
Continent has only 35% of the science and technology critical mass and as expected
only 30% of the National Growth Product. It considers amongst the partnerships in the
pharmaceutical area how important is to internalize instruments and institutions such
CMOs, CROs and cGMP, not existing in Brazil. It offers equally the possibility for
Brazil to play a role in the Gene Revolution, not played before in the Green Revolution
especially in agriculture. If successfully applied, the powerful science-based technology
we have in our hands will contribute to extend the benefits of the Gene Revolution to
the poorest countries; very much as the Green Revolution did in the past reducing the
hunger syndrome which claimed the lives of millions of people in some Asian countries
decades ago. Norman Borlaug, during a visit to Brazil in February 2004, stated that the
21st century revolution will come from Brazil in the area of agriculture. He further
indicated that reducing hunger is essential for the world to achieve socio economic
stability, in full agreement with the context of this paper. The FAO Annual Report
(FAO 2004) listed the barriers preventing the Gene Revolution from reaching the poor
countries: inadequate regulatory procedures, intellectual property rights (IPR) and
biosafety, poorly functioning seed-delivering systems and weak domestic plant breeding
capacity, all of which are discussed in this paper.
Keywords: National Growth Product, Geographic Unbalance in Brazil, Socio
Economic Stability, Hunger Syndrome, Inadequate Regulatory Procedures,
Biosafety Rules, Weak Domestic Plant Breeding, RENORBIO, BIONORTE, Semi
Arid in Brazil, Global Sc & T, Infant Mortality, RECODISA, FILGRASTRIMA,