Computerized decision support system (CDSS) has demonstrated its efficacy
in improving clinical practices and patient outcomes. HiPER 2.0 (Hiroo Information
System for Pediatrics and ER, version 2.0), which the current authors have developed, is
a system with an arrangement and techniques of processing and disseminating
information different from those mentioned earlier in CDSS. HiPER 2.0 can collect a
large amount of complex medical information. For example, order entry information at
the time of empirical treatment was prescribed and its dosage was provided to the ICT
and intervened to improve the effectiveness of nosocomial infection control. The system
was not designed merely to perform intelligent processing with machines, rather, the
CDSS was designed to encourage team care and facilitate rather than diminish
opportunities for medical personnel to consult with specialists. New interfaces with
enhanced “awareness” may alter views on CDSS and allow humans to better coexist
with them.
Keywords: Medical safety, CDSS (Clinical decision support systems), DWH
(Data warehouse), syndromic surveillance, OLAP, data cube, therapeutic drug
monitoring, infection control, H1N1 influenza pandemic, real-time decisionmaking.