“The Matter of Facts” focuses on the substance that makes up the universe. It
explains that, according to the laws of physics, the natural world is entirely made of a
substance that can be referred as mass and energy. In the same way, if the supernatural
is real, then it also has to be made of something real. The story first looks for this
substance in the ancient theory of the four elements and then moves quickly through
history, explaining how the concepts of mass and energy were first created in the theory
of classic physics and then unified in the special theory of relativity. The theory shows
that the universe is either eternal or it was created by something else, and the best
explanation of its origin is the theory of the Big Bang. If this theory is correct, then the
almost infinite variety of elements that people perceive, including human life and
intelligence, comprise only 5% of the mass and energy available in the universe. The
rest is invisible to the senses of perception.
Keywords: The four elements, square of opposition, center of the universe,
universal law of gravity, classic physics, mass definition, principle of mass
conservation, mechanic work, energy definition, principle of energy conservation,
principle of action and reaction, friction, heat and work equivalence, mass energy
equivalence, nuclear fission, atomic bomb, universe expansion, theory of the big
bang, dark matter, dark energy.