The novelty of our methodology calls for this general introduction to initiate the reader to the grand unified theory
(GUT), the core of scientific natural philosophy. The conventional methodology of physics, quantitative modeling,
has left long-standing problems unsolved, e.g., the turbulence and gravitational n-body problems, and fundamental
questions unresolved, e.g., what the basic constituent of matter and the structure of the electron are, an inadequacy
that prompted the author to introduce an alternative methodology - qualitative modeling - that digs deeper into
nature beyond appearances to find out how it works. It explains not only the appearances of nature revealed by
natural phenomena but also their dynamics including natural forces, interactions and behavior in terms of the laws of
nature. Natural laws are discovered by observing patterns and regularity in nature and articulating them as natural
laws upon which a physical theory such as GUT is built to express scientific knowledge as a deductive system
subject to the most updated standards of mathematical rigor and precision. Thus, qualitative modeling gave birth to
theoretical physics where there was only mathematical physics. The validity of a physical theory rests on its ability
to explain natural phenomena and make verifiable predictions including invention of technology that works.
Anytime a contradiction arises in a physical theory within its own structure or from experimental results it goes
down the drain unless it is fixed by suitable modification or discovery of natural law that resolves it.
Just as all concepts of a mathematical space are defined by its axioms and conclusions derived from them, all
physical concepts and structures, properties and interactions are determined and defined by the laws of nature and
conclusions and predictions derived from them. For example, the structure and properties of the superstring are
derived from natural laws. In other words, this new methodology axiomatizes physics as a deductive system where
the axioms are laws of nature. In effect, it alters the primary task of the physicist from computation and
measurement to the search for the laws of nature.
The boundaries between dark and visible matter and semi-and non-agitated superstrings are based on the finest arc
length of visible light which may be refined in the future but our analysis will prevail as long as it is based on the
laws of nature.