Goats play an important role in providing supplementary income in a
landless farming system. Nowadays, goat farming has converted into a profitable
industry. Goats suffer from various diseases, especially parasitic diseases, that
adversely impact this industry. The cardiovascular system is a very important system
for communication between different parts of the body in all animals. Several parasites,
which are found in the cardiovascular system, cause morbidity and mortality in the goat
population. These parasites may cause myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy,
which are the major causes of heart failure in goats. Some other protozoan and
rickettsial parasites found in blood produce severe harm to goats. The present chapter
elaborates on the various parasites of the goat's cardiovascular system. This chapter
helps to understand the morphological identification, life cycle, pathogenesis, clinical
signs, diagnostic methods, treatment and control aspects of parasites in the
cardiovascular system of goats.
Keywords: Cardiovascular system, Cardiomyopathy, Goats, Parasites.