Stimulating properties of two 2D-Graphene, like its huge surface area,
exceptional electrical conductivity, extreme thinness, amazing electron kinesis, and
state-of-the-art mechanical regulation, have added an enormous investigative concern.
This background exhibits significant dynamism and find widespread application in
various energy storage devices like Li-sulfur batteries, Li-ion batteries, Li-oxygen
batteries, sodium Ion batteries and also as a hybrid cathode/anode material for
supercapacitors. Scaled-up, stable production and correspondence of carbon-based
nano-materials are essential conditions for the preparation of graphene-based EESDs.
This chapter diagnostically explains the synthesis methods of graphene and the
properties of graphene-nanomaterials with various dimensions in adaptable EESDs.
The main tasks and scenarios in this field are also discussed.
Keywords: Energy storage, Electrochemical, Graphene, Sustainable development.