The world is a natural heritage where everything is revolving in a balanced
way. The whole universe is moving in a way that is not disturbing the flow of life, the
stars, the moon, the planets, seasons, and the process of life and death. But when
something disrupts the nature of this cycle, the outcome of that will be seen in the
world as a whole. With the evolution of science, man has made and produced things
that people were not aware of. However, with every advantage comes its drawbacks
and disadvantages. Similarly, the process of human cloning was once a farfetched idea
but now has become a genetic disaster for humans. But, many oppose this and talk in
favor of human cloning, mostly those who can afford it. However, if one looks at all
the aspects of human cloning, then it is a genetic disaster. To create or not to create is
the question. Do they serve the human race by human cloning? This chapter has been
devised to answer this question and to elaborate on the ethical concerns that arise out of
human cloning experiments. The purpose is to make the reader aware of the sensitivity
of this medical topic and to elaborate on what limitations could be there to deal with in
such medical procedures.
Keywords: Advanced cell technology, Ethical issues, Healthcare sector, Human cloning, Historical perspective, Infertility, Religious viewpoint, Reproductive cloning, Surrogate, Therapeutic cloning.