People find it hard to make ethical decisions in their lives. They often make
unethical decisions in certain situations due to several factors and end up with dire
consequences. In recent years, organizations have been applying different strategies to
create an ethical atmosphere in the workplace. In this chapter, we have discussed
unethical decision making at the workplace, its causes, consequences, and how this
dilemma can be dealt with. Special insights will be drawn upon the impact of unethical
decision making on the behavior of people. The purpose of this data is to elaborate on
the importance of ethical decision making in every profession to run the workplace
smoothly without causing psychological and behavioral stress among the task forces.
Keywords: Behavioral stress, Causes, Decision-making at workplace, Healthcare sector, Impacts, Organizational strategies, Psychological issues, Prevalence, Phases, Pakistan institute of management, Rationalization, Surveys, Unethical practices.