In this chapter, an overview of the advancement and research efforts that
have been undertaken on CFR-MMC (carbon-fiber reinforced metal matrix-based
composites) during the last several decades is presented. Carbon fiber is widely
implemented in the construction sector for rehabilitation and structural repair projects.
Although, studies show that carbon fiber-reinforced metal-matrix (CFR-MMC) has a
bright future, the use of carbon fibre as a reinforcement in metal matrix is still in its
development. The uses, and traits of carbon fiber are discussed in general terms in this
study. The various traits such as mechanical, and structural properties of the resultant
CFR-MMC, are significantly influenced by the structure and content of the carbon fibre
as well as its bonding to the MM (Metal matrix). The effect on the various traits of
MMCs by CFs (Carbon fibers) was investigated. In addition, a detailed study on the
various synthesis approaches for the preparation of CFR-MMC has been taken into
practice in this book chapter.
Keywords: Composite, Carbon fibers, Cellicious precursor, Diffusion bonding, Fiber reinforcement, Ion platting, Mechanical properties, Melt stirring, Metal matrix composite precursors, Powder metallurgy, PAN precursor, Pitch precursor, Plasma spraying, Reinforcement, Synthesis approaches, Squeeze casting, Structural properties, Scanning electron microscopy, Tow.