Modern Cancer Therapies and Traditional Medicine: An Integrative Approach to Combat Cancers

Biomarkers for Cancer Therapy

Author(s): Indu Sharma, Jyotsna Sharma, Hemender Singh and Varun Sharma *

Pp: 47-58 (12)

DOI: 10.2174/9789814998666121010006

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Cancer is a complicated disease owing to its molecular heterogeneity, and adaptive resistance makes it even more complicated. Therefore, its exact mechanism needs to be inferred in order to obtain adequate treatment for the patients. Biomarkers present a robust approach in understanding the range of malignancies along with its applications in screening, clinical trials, diagnosis and prognosis. The main intention of cancer research and investigation is to find out biomarkers to facilitate early detection of cancers as well as devise individual therapies simultaneously. With the evolution of various omics- techniques like proteomics and genomics, it has become feasible to observe many crucial cellular pathways. These techniques have facilitated the detection of biomarkers as well as signalling molecules related to cellular metabolism.

Keywords: Biomarker, Cancer, Circulating Tumor Cells, Circulating Tumor DNA, Diagnosis, Genomics, Human Genome Project, Molecular Alterations, Personalized Medicine, Proteomics.

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