Corrosion is an electrochemical reaction initiated by many factors like the
ingress of chloride particles and carbon particles. The electrons can move in the steel
rebar and the ions can move in the concrete, which acts as an electrode leading to
corrosion. The rate of corrosion can be mitigated by the addition of corrosion inhibitors
into the concrete. The corrosion increases the volume of rebar and hence, cracking of
concrete takes place. The cracking of concrete can be mitigated by the addition of
fibers and bacteria into the concrete. The bacteria can produce calcium carbonate,
which helps in the self-healing of cracks in concrete. To examine the damage of the
reinforcement in the concrete, X-ray microcomputed tomography is employed without
wasting of testing sample.
Keywords: Bacteria, Chloride and Carbon Particles, Corrosion, Electrochemical