In this chapter, the exercises below are also based on two themes. The first
has an objective of the identification of the structure of the drugs having information of
the starting materials and reagents used. This activity also enables the reader to become
familiar with different classical chemical transformations used in medicinal chemistry
and with varying types of reagents, reaction conditions, and necessary intermediates. In
the second theme, the exercises are based on a series of gaps in the synthesis of
different drugs. Therefore, it is up to the reader to complete them. This type of exercise
is a combination of the themes previously presented. It is necessary to identify the
reagents' use, the reaction conditions employed, and the intermediates formed, besides
the use of the concept of retrosynthesis.
Keywords: Bioactive compounds, Chemical transformations, Drugs, Exercises,
Medicinal chemistry, Molecules, Reaction conditions, Reagents, Retrosynthetic
analysis, Substances, Synthesis, Synthons.