The application of Information Technology to the traffic domain, the intelligent transportation
systems or ITS, has led to a substantial improvement in the management of traffic information in recent
decades. Most efforts on the ITS domain have been focused on building models for knowledge representation
of traffic information for the management and subsequent exploitation. DATEX (DATa EXchange) systems
bring an effective method for exchanging information between heterogeneous systems. However, their
designs do not facilitate the use of information, providing efficient but a too basic description of the data
The new proposal presented in this paper intends to adapt the DATEX II exchange and data models to an
approach based on the Semantic Web, opening the door to new intelligent applications for the management of
traffic information. For that purpose, traffic ontology has been built, taking DATEX II data model as the
basis of semantic definitions and taxonomies. Moreover, this new model is integrated within an information
publishing platform based on semantic user profiles, which aims to ensure that all users get a personalized
view of information from the traffic source, improving the user experience and the overall system efficiency.
The systems built are constituted as a solid foundation for the development of new intelligent applications to
deal with traffic information, allowing new multimodal interfaces to provide users with updated information
that improves safety on the road.
Keywords: Datex II, Intelligent transportation vehicles.