In 1954, the first coherent fiberoptic bundle capable of transmitting an image
was built, and in 1958, the first flexible fibergastroscope prototype. In 1967, Murphy
introduced the technique of tracheal intubation by a coledoscope, through which he slid
a 7.5 mm endotracheal tube (ETT) into the nasopharynx, visualizing only the entrance
to the larynx because it was too short to guide the ETT. In 1968, the first fiberoptic
bronchoscope (FBO) was constructed and, later, 60 cm. insertion cords appeared. In
1972, a series of 100 intubations with FBO was published with 96% success. Following
the publication of the ASA airway management guidelines of 1993, the use of FBO
increased considerably, becoming the gold standard for Difficult Airway (DA).
Keywords: Airway management, aScope, Bronchoscopes, Cricothyroid
Membrane, Difficult airway, Fibro-bronchoscopes, Intubation, Intratracheal,
Laryngoscopy, Predictors, Tracheostomy, Videolaryngoscope.