Ovarian carcinoma is the 5th most common type of cancer of gynecologic
origin and accounts for about one-fourth of the total malignancies of the female genital
tract. Ovarian carcinoma accounts for highest mortality in females due to the
development of chemo-resistance against drugs and lack of symptoms and undetectable
biomarkers in the early stages of diagnosis. Tumour debulking, chemotherapies,
radiotherapies, targeted therapies, immunotherapies and stem cell transplants are some
of the measures that have been adopted by the experts for curing the disease but still,
full control over the problem has not been achieved. Research on various herbal and
chemosynthetic nano-compounds have shown a new light in this regard, as the studies
on them so far have revealed that they have anti-proliferative and apoptotic properties
that will help in finding new ways to develop drugs for cancer patients. This chapter
deals how to culture and maintain the human ovarian carcinoma cell lines in the
laboratory which are being procured from cell repositories and then to study the anticancer
efficacy of various promising compounds by potent molecular markers like cellcycle
progression and annexin V- FITC apoptosis detection.
Keywords: Anti-proliferative properties, Annexin V-FITC, Nano-compound,
Apoptosis, Anti-cancer efficacy, Cancer cell line, Cell-cycle progression,
Molecular markers, Ovarian carcinoma.