AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is caused by the retrovirus
HIV (Human immune deficiency virus). HIV destroys T-cells which provide cellmediated
immunity (CMI) to human beings. Like other viruses, HIV has a protein
capsid and a core RNA genome. HIV infection causes severe damage to the immune
system making it vulnerable to various infectious pathogens when the damaged
immune system fails to fight the infection, resulting in the advanced stage called AIDS.
Two types of HIV exist. HIV-1 is the causative organism of HIV infection worldwide
with around 90% of infection. HIV-2 has been reported in a small group of people in
western Africa. Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 lead to AIDS in their advance stages. The
treatment of HIV infection and AIDS is a big challenge to medical sciences. Many
drugs are available that can be used against HIV infection and AIDS. These drugs are
known as antiretrovirals (ARVs). ARVs prevent replication of HIV inside the host cell
gradually slowing down the progress of HIV infection. Therefore, antiretroviral drugs
can prevent AIDS-related complicated diseases and prolong longevity. However, it
does not fully restore health. The potential effect of HIV on our health is clearly
exhibited by many immunologic abnormalities that occur despite effective suppression
of HIV replication by ARVs. The cure for AIDS is still a distant future.
Keywords: HIV, T-cells, Cell-mediated immunity, AIDS, Antiretroviral, Vaccine