This chapter opens the second section of this collection by explaining the process by which
the new national sexual health clinical quality standards were devised and put into operation across
Scotland. The author, Dr Rak Nandwani, was clinical adviser at NHS QIS during this period and presents
their importance to the implementation and delivery of Respect and Responsibility - Scotland's sexual
health strategy. The Standards themselves are included for reference, and a full commentary of their
development given.
Describing the background to the strategy, the author demonstrates the associated need to formulate a
coherent set of standards that embodied the expectations of the strategy and that would also provide
markers of progress applied across Scotland by NHS Boards to improve sexual health and to meet
Scottish Government targets. Drawing on the authors' close involvement in the evolution of what have
become known as the QIS Standards, he describes the various tensions and challenges in their
formulation and the iterative and consultative approach that were adopted. This was to guarantee that the
statements contained clinical quality at a population level, and in relation to target groups for sexual
health; as well as to ensure that they progressed the holistic model to sexual health improvement that was
needed, and that they were supported by clinicians, commissioners, interest groups and other
stakeholders. The chapter describes how the Standards will be monitored, once implemented, and their
close relationship to the national sexual health data and information systems in Scotland.