On health front, today’s generation is struggling with increasing rate of
obesity which is undisputedly reckoned as a leading cause for a number of pathological
conditions e.g. coronary heart disease (CHD), high blood pressure, stroke, abnormal
blood fats, metabolic syndrome, cancer, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, obesity
hypoventilation syndrome, reproductive problems, gallstones, and type 2 diabetes etc.
In recent research, calcium silicate based two formulations i.e., floating microspheres
and floating granules have been developed for anti-obesity drug i.e., orlistat, to deliver
the incorporated therapeutic agent in effective concentrations and extended therapeutic
course of time. Floating characteristic over the gastric content of such formulations is
capable to provide prolonged retention in gastric region. Formulation of microspheres
with incorporation of calcium silicate increases the effectiveness of this granular
formulation to matchup the desired release pattern with buoyancy. The developed
formulations of orlistat are found to be safer and more effective which is the need of
day in pharmaceutical industry as an alternative drug delivery system for a highly
prevalent and chronic disease like obesity.
Keywords: BMI, Buoyancy, Calcium silicate, Floating granules, Floating
microspheres, Gamma scintigraphy, Gastro-retention, In vitro drug release,
Obesity, Orlistat, Pharmacokinetics.