A common hallmark of human cancers is the over expression of telomerase,
a ribonucleoprotein complex that is responsible for maintaining the length and integrity
of chromosome ends and often directly correlated with the uncontrolled growth of
cancer cells. Telomerase activity is present in 85-90% of all cancers, but absent in
normal cells, which makes telomerase a good marker for cancer diagnosis and
prognosis. Also, telomerase inhibition can be used as a novel anticancer therapy with
reduced probability of toxicity than present antimalignancy drugs. However, current
treatments used for cancer such as radiation, anti-hormonal therapy, surgery and
chemotherapy using synthetic drugs, have been reported to produce various side
effects. Therefore, it is crucial to reveal the beneficial effects of natural compounds
with lesser side effects on normal cells and potential anticancer activity. In recent
years, several natural molecules have been discovered so far that arrest proliferation of
cancer cells by inhibiting telomerase. In this book chapter, we highlighted the effect of
natural compounds on cancer cell proliferation, telomerase activity and their
mechanism of action.
Keywords: Apoptosis, Cancer, Natural Compounds, Telomerase.