This chapter looks at the leadership qualities required to guide complex
organizations such as universities. But the unpredictable landscape demands a fresh
approach as university presidents are increasingly subject to high resolution and three
dimensional scrutiny. Instead of relying on last century’s old management mindset,
university leaders have to build institutions that are agile and flexible which can learn
continuously. They must engage effectively with staff to explain why this culture of
flexibility and innovation is critical for institutional survival. The rapidly changing and
turbulent environment brought on by politics, society, economy and the environment
requires a unique style of leadership - one that focuses on authenticity, systems
thinking, openness, organizational learning and agility.
Keywords: Agility, Authentic Leadership, Collaborative Leadership, Decision
Making Science, Group Intelligence, Groupthink, Mental Models, Personal
Mastery, Shared Vision, Storytelling, Systems Thinking, Team Learning, Team of