The main characteristic of a stem cell is its multipotency that has to be
demonstrated experimentally as follows: I) the differentiation pathway can be
characterized by specific surface receptor expression; II) it is possible to generate
lineage-specific cells in vitro, and III) in a depleted organ the repopulation process can
be reached in vivo. In this regard, the scientific activity to propose and improve
techniques of stem cell transplant focused on its clinical application in the
endocrinological field is being studied extensively. Unfortunately, not a lot is known
about stem cell transplantation to cure diseases and we depend a lot on murine studies.
The aim of this chapter is to review some of the most important research lines about
stem cells that could have a clinical application in endocrinology.
Keywords: Adrenal insufficiency, Animal studies, Fertility preservation,
Hormonal axis, Hypothyroidism, Induced differentiation, Sheehan syndrome,
Stem cell, Stem Cell Transplantation, Type 1 diabetes mellitus.